What holds you back from becoming a Successful Manager

We hear people say that good managers are few and far between. But are they?

If you are offered a promotion to manager, you might be tempted to shout, “Yes!” with the vision of bigger paychecks, increased prestige, recognition from upper management, and more power dancing in your head.

It’s a good resume booster. Having the title of the manager on your resume can boost your credibility with other employers, as well as within your professional networks.

For some this could be a pro, for others, it can mean more stress.

So, before you throw your hat in the ring for a manager position, make sure that you are prepared for it first. Here, IIHA’s report will help you.

Who is this for?

If you are a new manager or you have been in the position for a while and are focused on becoming a better manager.

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